Monday, November 28

Random pics #1

Hello Kitty HOLLAND limited edition! gift from the exhibition! as a VIP

My favorite candies! JELLY BELLY!
Bought this in Düsseldorf. They got more flavors than in the Netherlands!
gonna use this for my bachelor thesis!
about the rise of Chinese Fashion Designers

Love this brand


KABIGONE said...

aah, zoveel eten ;o. Die HK's zijn zo schattig! :D Awesome thesis over fashion? :D

ice pandora said...

Supertrash <3 ik moet nog steeds naar die winkel...
Ik weet al wat ik voor jou ga kopen denk ik :D


Mira said...

Cute pics :)

Mana said...

Omg you got such cute HK stuff! I actually recently bought a small box of jelly beans and it said on the box "hello kitty favorite flavors!" I'll put a picture of it on my blog soon! =D And your thesis sounds interesting! Does thesis means essay? Is that what they call it in the netherlands? =D If so that's cool!