Friday, April 6

Vintage & Instagram

Mommy bought this sweater 30 years ago !

Finally! after a very long wait there is an Android version of :
Since I don't have much time for blogging lately, because of studying -_-''
Feel free to follow me there !

for my latest updates :
food, shopping hauls, scenery of the Netherlands, outfit of the day 
Instagram name: kyandiicandy


Floor Daasvand said...

ik gebruik geen instagram :$

anyways heb je zin om mee te doen aan mijn give away?? :D

Les is more said...

What a lovely top! WAUWIE

Deborah said...

Zit er goed uit :) Mooi ;)

Unknown said...

i love how things from the past are now in style again!!! too bad my mom did not keep her clothes from her younger years! all the best with the rest of your studying!

Dewi ♥ said...

Leuke sweater :)!

Fabrizia Spinelli said...

I'm addicted to instagram, such a great iphone app!If you want we can follow also with bloglovin, fashiolista, google+, twitter and facebook?
Come back soon to visit my blog, I'll be waiting for you!!
Cosa mi metto???
Win a $60 gift card to spend on The Quiet Riot

yiqin; said...

you look great :)

Mana said...

That is one gorgeous piece! It looks so ethnic and is that a squid I see? Hahahaha Awesome! Love your shorts and stockings combo!

re: I used to want to gain weight too but I had a hard time but recently I gained three pounds but bf says I don't look fatter, it must be because I'm working out since muscle weights more than fat. But....I don't look any fatter hahaha I guess I'm happy with that though =P I feel like since I'm getting old the weight will come eventually! And no >< I don't have instagram, I know everyone is using it! hahaha I'm not sure why I don't get it, it just doesn't appeal to me that much =P

mindy said...

Cool sweater! Vintage :)